Who We Are

Our Mission

The Global Pickleball Number (GPN) initiative is a visionary, non-profit organization dedicated to revolutionizing player identification in the rapidly growing sport of pickleball. Our mission is to create a unified, global system that enhances the pickleball experience for players, organizers, and enthusiasts worldwide.

Our Vision

We envision a connected global pickleball community where players can seamlessly participate in events across organizations and borders, providers can more efficiently manage events, and the sport can reach its full potential for growth and development.

Core Principles

  • Universality: Creating a single, recognized identifier for every pickleball player globally
  • Privacy: Prioritizing data protection with minimal data collection and robust security measures
  • Openness: Fostering transparency through our open-source model and community collaboration
  • Innovation: Continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of the pickleball community
  • Inclusivity: Ensuring accessibility for players of all levels, from beginners to professionals

Our Team

The GPN initiative is led by a diverse team of pickleball enthusiasts, technology experts, and sports management professionals. Our advisory board includes representatives from major pickleball associations, tournament organizers, and data privacy advocates, ensuring a well-rounded approach to our mission.

Community-Driven Development

We believe in the power of community collaboration. The GPN system is developed as an open-source project, inviting contributions from developers, pickleball organizations, and players worldwide. This collaborative approach ensures that GPN remains responsive to the needs of the global pickleball community.

Our Commitment

  • Maintaining the highest standards of data privacy and security
  • Providing a platform that complements existing rating systems and tournament structures
  • Facilitating the growth of pickleball on a global scale
  • Continuously improving our system based on community feedback and technological advancements

Join Us

We invite you to be part of this exciting journey to transform the world of pickleball. Whether you're a player, organizer, developer, or pickleball enthusiast, there's a place for you in the GPN community.